This website provides key information on the wonderful world of my local, independent coffee shops. I live in Surbiton (Royal Borough of Kingston, London).

Comparison is near impossible because everywhere serves different coffee drinks.

Different beans are used. Different production methods are used, and customers' moods, requirements and tastes are never identical to those of others.

All coffee shops ask me 'which is your favourite, Patrick?'

Usually, the correct answer is the cafe which I am in at the time! Independent cafes are always the best!

Independent coffee shops are the way forward, for coffee lovers.

If you're rushing your coffee, you are not a coffee lover, you are an addict!

Caffeine is a drug. Drugs can be addictive. Addiction to anything is bad. Appreciation of positive qualities, should always be possible. Therefore, don't become an addict, learn to appreciate quality.

I regard Coffee Shops with up to only a handful of 'brother/sister shops', as 'Independent'. Any larger, and it becomes a chain of shops, throughout which identical coffee is served, and individual powers are lost.

I am a human being. I love this world, recognising that it deserves the utmost respect from us. It offends me when I see those who don't agree. I am a coffee lover, I have NEVER been such a weak addict, consuming coffee on-the-go, littering the globe with paper/plastic coffee cups. Pay due respect to the drink and the Earth. These cups are non-recyclable and ARE NOT HOW COFFEE SHOULD BE DRUNK!

The Press Room (Surbiton)

A slightly biased article as I am sat at a table at the Surbiton shop. Opposite are three women, so I am slightly distracted. However, I have just finished the gym, so lunch is very welcome.

The shop in Surbiton does have a stepped entrance, overcome by wheelchairs by asking for their ramp to be placed in front. This shop has always had good quality staff, working with knowledge and precision. A few years since opening, and the coffee has always been good! Recently, the owner opened one 'sister shop', in Twickenham, offering similar quality coffee and food. Both branches are wheelchair accessible. Twickenham is fully accessible (toilet as well).
(Twickenham Branch)

Simple but effective!

Coffee is always a warm, comforting taste. Mmmmm, this is so good. When I taste properly, I can sense a slightly fruity, nutty essence. A sweet aftertaste. A very pleasant 'warming'. I forever approve of this place. Well worth a visit (short distance from Surbiton station).

mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm!

A labelled packet of their coffee beens provides proof, that i can taste correctly! :)

Hard-working team of baristas

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